With effect from April 2024, Hutsadin Elephant Foundation does not offer bare back riding.
Whilst we now do not offer any riding activities at Hutsadin, there are a number of memorable activities available, including walking, feeding, showering and an interesting and informative Education Activity. See below for further details.
Our Activities have been formulated with the help of the Friends of Hutsadin Elephant Foundation but most of all, through the unique relationship we have with our Mahouts (Elephant Keepers).
We always liaise with the Mahouts to ensure that each Elephant enjoys their respective Activity and we do our best to ensure that all participants in each Activity have fun (which includes our gentle giants).
Through this close relationship we have with the Mahouts we have been able to ensure that our Elephants are happy according to their respective Mahout.
When you arrive at the Foundation please make your way to reception (before going to see the Elephants) and book your Activity.
All of the Activities, except the Mahout Experience, do NOT require Advanced Booking unless you have a group of more than 10 people.
Please note we DO NOT accept Credit/Debit Cards.
Disabled Access
The Hutsadin Elephant Foundation is pleased to welcome any disability, although our facility is not yet 100% compliant. Visitors will be able to feed and where appropriate wash the elephants.
We strongly recommend that you book before coming to the Foundation to allow us the opportunity to ensure we give you the best experience regardless of your disability.
Group Bookings
Advanced Booking is required for groups of more than 10 people.
Please email us by clicking on the link below:
Education Activity
The aim of this Activity is to offer more emphasis on a greater understanding of our Asian Elephants. THIS ACTIVITY IS AVAILABLE on MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. Booking is not required (unless you are a group of more than 10 people) however, please ask for the Education Activity when you arrive. Great for the whole Family.
This Activity is expected to last approx 40 minutes and is supported and set up by our Volunteers (English speaking).
Times: 10:00 AM - Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Price: 300 Thai Baht per person, under five year old's can join for free.
Walking Alongside the Elephant
This Activity allows you to walk alongside the Elephant for approx 30 minutes depending on the Elephant's pace. This a great opportunity to feed the Elephant with some fruit which is included in the price. You can also shower the Elephant on return (weather permitting).
Times: Available all day.
Price: 800 Thai Baht per person. Children 3 - 8 years old are 400 Thai Baht each and Children under 3 can join for free.
Education and Walking Alongside the Elephant
This Activity incorporates both of our most popular activities. This will generally take about 90 minutes. Please see above for more details.
Times: Same times as the Education Activity.
Price: 1000 Thai Baht per person. Children 5 - 8 years old are 700 Thai Baht each, Children 3 or 4 years old are 400 Thai Baht each and Children under 3 can join for free.
Elephant Wash and Photo (Weather Permitting)
This Activity allows you to wash and have a photo taken with your Elephant.
Times: Available all day.
Price: 400 Thai Baht per adult and 300 Thai Baht per child.
Mahout Experience (Adults Only)
PLEASE NOTE; This Activity is temporarily unavailable.
We recommend "Walking Alongside the Elephant" as an alternative.Please contact us at hutsadinhuahin@hotmail.com should you have any questions.
The cost for this Activity is 1200 Thai Baht per person and will include a Free Gift and a basket of fruit.
Duration 3 hours.
Done in Small Groups. Must be booked by clicking on the link below:
Times: Please enquire for availability at: hutsadinhuahin@hotmail.com
This Experience has been set up and run by Volunteers at the Foundation who want to give a more 'hands on' approach to visitors who are interested in learning about the day to day care of our Elephants.
You will need to wear clothing that you dont mind getting wet and dirty.
An overview of your experience for the day:
There is no itinerary as we react to what needs doing at that particular time, however you will get a tour of the Foundation, meet all four of our Elephants, get to prepare food and feed our Elephants, help clean up their shelters, take one for a walk and give them a wash (weather permitting).
At all times you will be with an English speaking Volunteer who can answer any questions you might have.
Our elephants look forward to meeting you.
Show Around
This Activity allows visitors to be shown around our facility and to be introduced to our wonderful Elephants. The Activity will last for around 15 minutes. Please be aware that you will not be able to walk or wash the Elephants. You will be able to take photographs with the Elephants and we provide you with a basket of fruit in order to get their attention.
Please remember that the Hutsadin Elephant Foundation is a non profit organisation who rely on the generosity of the visitors we have. Please remember to visit our reception to book your Show Around.
Times: Available all day.
Price: 300 Thai Baht per person. Children under 5 can join for free.
For Your Information
1. The Foundation has English speaking Volunteers on Monday, Wednesday and Friday
between the hours of 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM.
2. The Mahouts English is very limited.
3. The Mahouts and their respective family members make their own jewellery.
They DO NOT use Ivory or Elephant teeth.
4. During your Activity you may be presented with a 'TIP' basket which the Mahouts use to help supplement their salary. You are NOT obliged to put any money in the basket if you don't want to.
Insurance whilst on your chosen Activity
Hutsadin Elephant Foundation is very proud of its safety record. Since opening in 2007, no Visitors have been injured by our Elephants.
In the very unlikely event that you are injured by one of our Elephants during your chosen Activity, to ensure that you are covered by the Hutsadin Elephant Foundation Insurance Policy, please bring your Passport (original, photocopy or electronic copy on your mobile phone) with you to show the staff on arrival.
Please rest assured SAFETY of our Visitors, Staff, Volunteers and Elephants is our number one priority at Hutsadin Elephant Foundation demonstrated by our track record.