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Friends of the Hutsadin Elephant Foundation continue to rely on the kind Donations of both Business and Private Individuals to ensure that all our Elephants continue to receive the best help available. Most of the Elephants at the Founation are on Medication on a daily basis and are fed on a diet to help promote good health.


Thank You for
Your Donation & helping make a Difference

Please click the link below to make your Donation, remember it's not really about the amount, it's more about the fact that you care.




In order for us to ensure your Donation goes to where you intend it to, please add a remark on the PayPal page indicating whether you would like to make a general Donation or to Donate to a particular member of our Elephant family.

Alternatively, you may make a Donation direct to the Foundation account;


Bank Name: Krungthai Bank

Account Number: 722-0-14143-2

Account Name: มูลนิธิช้างหัสดินทร์

                 (Hutsadin Elephant Foundation)

176 M7 Hua Hin · Nongplub Road · 
Prachuab Khiri Khan - 77110 Thailand

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CALL US:  (032) 827 098/100

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